Thursday, November 12, 2009

My teeth hurt?

I got a tooth cut out a month and a half ago, and now the oposite side of my mouth just hurts. The top and bottom jaw and the teeth. I'm not sure what to do except keep on takig the pain pills I was perscribbed when I got my tooth cut out. What do you think is causing this? Should I go back to the dentist? What would I say? Just that my teeth hurt and I don't know why? lol

My teeth hurt?
Yes just tell him, your teeth HURT!

If pain-killers do not help !!!

go to your dentist NOW

The Dentist will find out the cause

and treat you ,

so you feel no more pain

Do not delay ,

the pain will get worse without treatment

Poor you :(

Reply:this could be serious because it sounds like you have infection in your jawbone go to the dentist asap!
Reply:I'm not going to do any amayuer diagnosis here over the Internet -- but the short and correct answer is "YES" -- go see a dentist and have them check things out for you.

I'd go back to the one that did the work originally since they knwo what they did and know where to start.

Good luck.
Reply:if you did not get the warning of having teeth removed.. well then you should have been told that there might be a chance where the nerve of the tooth is damaged upon extraction of ANY tooth... so if your dentist damaged the nerve, then he/ she messed you up pretty bad and that pain will not go away untill you get used to the pain... get a second opinion from another dr. and get an x-ray of the location of removal.. make sure its not damaged!!
Reply:yep, going to the dentist and saying your teeth hurt and you don't know why is perfectly acceptable. When people "know" whats wrong they are usually guessing anyway.
Reply:GO call your dentist. Get some ice and lay down. Don't talk. You are in pain in your mouth because your dentist was wotking in there and because it was open for so long. You can also get a numbing cream like ambesol to numb the area but don't put it on any open oozing area. Good luck.
Reply:What do you think is causing this?

- Nope. No idea. Open a bit wider.

Should I go back to the dentist?

- Yup.

What would I say? Just that my teeth hurt and I don't know why? lol

- Of course. Why not? Why would you do anything else? lol more
Reply:Could be bite related. See your dentist, and have him/her evaluate your bite. If the tooth that was removed used to hit when you bit down, and now it isn't there to hit, the others can be hitting too hard. Hope that makes sense. Anytime you are hitting on a tooth with too much force, you inflame the ligaments around the tooth, causing pain. Could also be muscle pains caused by the bite change. See a good dentist for a proper evaluation.

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