Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why does wine hurt my teeth?

Along with certain crackers, the kind that are fluffier and have air in them, wine really hurts my teeth when I drink it.

It's NOT because it's cold, so I don't want because it's cold answers. My gums and teeth hurt a lot when I drink wine. Does anyone know why?

Why does wine hurt my teeth?
I have no idea why crackers would hurt you, but I'm leaning toward the tannic acid in the wine is working on your mouth.
Reply:Mine too, I heard it has something to do with your teeth being dehydrated, but I do not know if that is true.
Reply:It is the acid. there is a lot of acid in wine. just like lemons pickles etc.
Reply:I haven't noticed with wine (but then again, I rarely drink wine) but when I eat just grapes, they hurt my teeth. Apples, too. Maybe there is a certain type of acid or something in the fruit that causes sensitivity?
Reply:It's because you have lots of cavities and sensitive spots due to thin enamel on your teeth. As for gums hurting, you probably have gum disease, or inflamed infected gums, so the alcohol and acids in the wine that work as a crude mouth wash cause pain.

You aren't British by chance, are you? Or possibly vegan/vegetarian?
Reply:Most wines are made with and contain a large amount of sugar.

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