Saturday, November 14, 2009

A root from a tooth makes my other teeth hurt as well?

I had a tooth pulled a few years ago but he left some of the root and it hurts at night at times to where i can not sleep it throbs and aches so bad I have to take pain medication what can i do. when it hurts it makes my other teeth hurt as well

A root from a tooth makes my other teeth hurt as well?
u have to extract the root even if it gets to surgical extraction because the root act as a foreign body now and your pain killer will kill the pain for a few hours but it will return again eventually so i suggest u pick up your boots for ur dentist right away
Reply:I would call my dentist right away. I just had a root canal a few weeks ago. I can't describe the pain leading up to that. After the root canal I experienced some swelling and within a week it was healed.

Try sleeping sitting up. I propped myself on pillows. I took and over the counter Aleeve, and Hydro's didn't touch the pain, I had to get some oxycodine. That was the first time ever on that pain med, it worked great.

Call your dentist, he may call you in something.

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