Monday, November 16, 2009

In the back of my two frount teeth I got fillings from the dentist and now my teeth hurt whenever ...?

I drink something cold like milk. On a scale from 1 to 10 it is like a 7! Its very painful. What is wrong with my teeth?

( My teeth did hurt by cold things before I got my fillings but they where not this bad. )

Please PLEASE tell me what I should do!!!

In the back of my two frount teeth I got fillings from the dentist and now my teeth hurt whenever ...?
It's not unusual for teeth to be sensitive following restorations... how long ago did you have the fillings placed? The sensitivity may gradually improve, but watch for symptoms such as sensitivity to hot, lingering pain after the stimulus is removed, pain with biting, spontaneous aching, or swelling on the gum tissue. Also, check which toothpaste you are using. Anything containing whitening, tartar control agents, or baking soda can make sensitive teeth WAY worse. Switch to a toothpaste for sensitive teeth; it may take a couple days of using it to notice a difference. (make sure the sens. toothpaste you get doesn't have any whitening, tartar control stuff in it!) If the decay was deep into the tooth structure, the teeth may not recover and you could end up needing root canals. Do you have a tendency to grind your teeth? Your dentist should be able to tell; grinding or clenching can make teeth very sensitive as well. If it's only been a few days since the fillings and cold sensitivity is your only symptom, give it a little more time and try the toothpaste, but definitely see your dentist if any of the above mentioned symptoms appear. Good luck!
Reply:Try sensodyne toothpaste for 2 weeks. if it does not improve, call the denitst.
Reply:Yes sensodyne should work. But dont bother calling the dentist, as a dental assistant we tell all out paitence that white fillings 95 percent of the time cause sensitivity. Its just how it is.
Reply:They probably placed tooth colored fills which are often cold sensitive after placement. It will get better. The sensitive toothpaste will help just be sure to brush, spit, and do not rinse/eat/or drink for 30 minutes. If you rinse/eat/drink you will only rinse off the ingredient that calms the sensitivity. Also, when you finish brushing put some of the sensitivity toothpaste on your finger and rub it on those teeth for better results. All sensitive toothpastes are the same.
Reply:Lots of info here.
Reply:Sensodyne can help. Give your teeth a few weeks to adjust. Also, you should use plastic straws when possible. This will directthe cold liquid past your front teeth and help with the pain.
Reply:You may wish to read a good article called "Fillings Get Smaller…and Smaller" you can find it at:




children shoes

Why does my 3 year old daughter wake up screaming that her teeth hurt her?

I checked dentist web pages and she has all the teeth she is suposed to have and she has a night light so it's not the dark, she just wakes up screaming bloody murder and we rush in and she says her teeth hurt. My husband thinks it could be her ear too, the other day we found her with a q tip. God only knows what she was doing with it or how she got it. But she says her ear is fine and that it's her teeth on both sides. I've heard of kids grinding their teeth could this cause the pain?

Why does my 3 year old daughter wake up screaming that her teeth hurt her?
I would take her to a doctor first not the dentist bc even though she says her ears aren't hurting it still could be caused from that. I have always had problems with my ears and sometimes when they hurt it goes down into the back part of my jaw. It is odd too that it just happens at night so it could be from grinding or it could be from fluid settling in the ears while laying down. It doesn't hurt to get it checked out and then the doctor can tell you what to do from there. I hope she gets to feeling better.
Reply:If she is grinding her teeth, it could be that. It could also be a sinus cold or head cold applying pressure to her teeth. Other than that, I am not sure. Hope you find an answer for her!
Reply:That what I thought of when you said that try to listen to her when she sleeps to see if she is grinding. then see what can be done about it good luck
Reply:children have all kinds of aches as they are growing and her teeth probably do hurt just because she has the ones shes suppose to doesnt mean she doesnt have other ones comming in early.i have a great remedy for this go to the health store and buy some clove oil when she complains rub it on all of her gums.this stuff works wonders it has helped me out many of times and if it works for an adult it will really work for her.if she still complains after a few minutes then i think it would be best for u to take her into a dentist.better safe than sorry.
Reply:I'm not sure if this will help, but it's the first thing that occurred to me. Is it possible that she's dreaming about something that she finds frightening, and that as she awakens, she's somehow associating that with her teeth? I agree that you should take her to the dentist; it's possible that she has some very real dental pain; if the dentist doesn't find anything, then I'd start to investigate the possibility of night terrors.
Reply:It's possible she has a cavity where air can get to the root it is painful. Either use some baby numzit or children's oragel and rub on the gums or try using sensodine toothpaste. If she has a sensitivity to eating or drinking hot or cold things any toothpaste for sensitive teeth really works.
Reply:Take her to the dentis, if she has not been before then this is a good time to get her aquainted as regular check ups at this age prevent horrible experiences later on. If it is nothing the dentis may have a few suggestions and he will most likely apply a floride teatment to help in tooth decay prevention.
Reply:i grind my teeth and it hurts sometimes i can't open my mouth so it could be that or tooth decay
Reply:I do not know how long your child has been doing this behavior. However, I would not waste any time and take her to the doctor. Make certain it is not her ears that are causing her pain. Many times an ear infection will hurt more when a child is lying down, and often times it will be difficult to know where the pain is actually coming from. If it is not her ears, please take her to a dentist who specializes in children. She might have a cavity, or even a lose tooth. when your daughter brushes her teeth make sure her gums are not bleeding or there is any pain in her mouth. when a small child wakes up screaming like this, then there is something that i sgoingon and must be addressed as soon as possible. The dentisit can also tell if she has been grinding her teeth while alseep and offer you some suggestions.

The gums on both sides of my canine teeth hurt when I brush them?

The gums just above my upper canine teeth hurt pretty bad when I brush them, and they tend to bleed - is this a sign of gingivitis and what can I do?

The gums on both sides of my canine teeth hurt when I brush them?
Bleeding is a bad sign. See a dentist.
Reply:use Sensodyne-see a dentist.
Reply:stop brushing them, it is over-rated anyway
Reply:it could be - just keep scrubbing them - in circular motion. It may have been that you have just missed that area in the last few days.

Have a good look though you may have scrubbed too hard and grazed you gum
Reply:Is it tender to the touch? Meaning soft and swollen? Is it more darker red than other gums. If you press it and it hurts ALOT, then you should see your dentist or gum specialist. What is probably happening is that there are bacteria living at the root of your tooth invading your gum, this is cause by tar build-ups. If you don't clean it (by dental tools, not just brushing), it will get worst and pus will form, causing inflammation. Bacteria can cause the bone to go away, causing the root of the tooth unstable, thus gingivitis. For now, keep rinsing with listerine to kill as much bacteria as you can. Find a dentist and they can take x-rays to see how bad the situation is. Normally, it is just a tar build up and bacteria is growing more and more. A deep cleaning session plus antibiotics will cure it. Do not wait, act now because the pain later is worst if pus formed.

How come after a hard run my gums and teeth hurt?

My gums and teeth like burn/hurt after a good run. I started brushing my teeth before runs but it had no effect. Any other ideas?

How come after a hard run my gums and teeth hurt?
I don't know why this happens, but I experience it also. I have found that brushing w/ Sensodyne can help to alleviate it some.
Reply:Many people clench their teeth or grind their teeth when they run. This can hurt your teeth, jaw and sometimes gums. Try chewing gum while you run. this may sound simple but it can help prevent clenching while running(just do not clench the gum in your teeth). A dentist could also make you a guard that you could run with.

Hope this works.

good luck!
Reply:this happens to me. i heard that it actually has something to do with blood circulation and not enough oxygen or blood getting to your heart. i think there are certain parts of the body that i guess signal complications with the heart. i know one of them is the left arm which makes sense because when a person is having a heart attack he or she feels numbness or pain in that arm. i don't think this is nearly as serious as a heart attack though.

hope this helps!
Reply:Well while you run you might be clenching but not knowing it.. I have the same problem almost all the time, you get concentrated and its pretty hard to considerate on your teeth the hole run, But some people have sensitive teeth too. So you could be grinding your teeth, unknowing clenching them or you could just have sensitive teeth, I know chewing gum might help but there is a risk of needing a breath and chocking on it so the best thing to do is not exercise to hard and take breaks. This isn't really an answer or much help but I hope it did something for you.

What do you you do if your teeth hurt after your braces get tightened?

I just got my braces tightened this afternoon and my teeth hurt really badly. I cant eat! When i got home i took an Alieve and it didnt work! What do i do?

What do you you do if your teeth hurt after your braces get tightened?
I feel your pain. I usually take 3-4 motrin, then eat something cold. A slurpee or ice cream maybe? I usually don't eat anything hard for a while, just eating soup and soft things. But really, I think the only thing you can do is wait it out.
Reply:grin and bear it. That is what I had to do. If you are like starving eat soft foods that don't require chewing such as mash potatoes, rice, milkshakes are great, pudding, ice cream. I lost a lot of weight because of not being able to eat when I had braces.
Reply:try to ignore the pain, its the only remedy unles you take some dolac. Eat only smashed food.
Reply:I know it really sucks cause i have braces, i try to take 2 advil or IBProfin... the wax they give you also helps... sorry =[
Reply:Chew some sugarless gum. It helps the soreness go away faster. I did that whenever I got my braces tightened. Make sure the gum is sugarless. Take some more advil, but follow the directions on the box... you don't want to overdose.
Reply:yeah, pain releivers never work for dental pain for me either. I suggest eating soft soft foods. nothing u have to suck really hard on, chew a lot, or cruch. Mashed potatoes, chicken salad, tea, ice cream (unless u have teeth sensitive to cold). dont grind ur jaw or clamp ur teeth either. If the pain is way too sever, go back to the dr and ask if they can loosen them at all

baby shoes

I've had braces for over 2 years. I got the out last year. But my 2 front teeth STILL hurt. Will I lose them?

This is really freaking me out. And I've been crying almost everyday recently. Basically, I used to wear braces until a year ago. I've always had very sensitive teeth, so during my braces programme, my 2 front teeth sometimes hurt more than the others. My right front tooth hurt the most, and we figured my orthodentist hadn't been doing a good job with my braces! So I changed my dentist. And eventually I got my braces off last year. I have to wear this bracket thing now at night. But my dentist says now that it's been over 6 months, I should be able to wear that only 3 nights in a week. But I can't. Cuz when I don't wear them, the next morning my teeth hurt badly and I feel like they're becoming loose. So I wear them every night even though it's been a year already. Recently, though, I've felt like my 2 front teeth are a LITTLE BIT loose. I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just imagining, but they DO hurt a lot. They even hurt when I smile! :( Will I lose my teeth if they're a bit loose?

I've had braces for over 2 years. I got the out last year. But my 2 front teeth STILL hurt. Will I lose them?
When I got my braces off it hurt as much as when they got tightened. They just hurt because the braces loosen them a bit and now everything you do moves them. They'll tighten up, just keep wearing your retainer.
Reply:I just got my braces put on a few days ago and it's really getting on my nerves but i only need them for nine months. I never thought of my teeth like that with the retainer. aw man that's gone be more pain. Report It

Does getting the metal brackets on your teeth hurt?

I'm getting braces really soon. I just had spacers, and now the orthodontist is going to put the metal rings around my teeth. Does it hurt? What happens exactly?

Does getting the metal brackets on your teeth hurt?
The metal rings, or bands, are usually put on the back teeth for more durability than a bracket. To put them on, they will find the appropriate size for your tooth, and then they will use a tool called a bitestick to help place it on. It is shaped a lot like a toothbrush, and you gently bite on it and it helps guide the band down on your tooth. It doesn't hurt generally, and it's a pretty easy experience provided your spacers did their job. If your spacer came out sooner than a day prior to your appointment and wasn't replaced, it may be a little more difficult to fit the band. If it comes out 24 hours or less prior to the seating of the bands, it shouldn't pose any problems. It's not a rough procedure, it's just a little time consuming. I hope this calms any anxiety you may have about the process. It's really not that bad. I've had them twice myself. You've already been through the rough part....separators tend to be uncomfortable, at least they were for me. Your banding/bonding appointment will be a breeze.

Some other advice about your appointment: On the morning of your appointment, remember to eat a good breakfast since you'll be in the chair for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. You can even take anything that you would normally take for a headache, such as Tylenol or Advil, though your teeth won't get sore until several hours after your wire gets placed.

Hope this helps! Good luck to you! :o)
Reply:No it doesnt hurt. Its only sore after tightnings.
Reply:Nope, getting the actual brackets on don't hurt a bit! Just afterwards you'll feel some discomfort.
Reply:Well, my orthodontist tried putting on one my tooth, but it was too big. They tried a smaller one next, but it was way too small, so it kinda hurt because they had to push really hard to get it on there. So, it just depends on the size of the metal band and your tooth. Hope this helps! :)

Why does diet sodas make my teeth hurt?

When i drink diet soda my teeth actually hurt! Why is this?

Why does diet sodas make my teeth hurt?
The NutraSweet and/or Splenda in diet drinks hurt some people's teeth more than others
Reply:that sounds funny...does regular soda do the same thing!
Reply:Because you drink it.
Reply:Temperature sensitive
Reply:you might have a cavity i think you should go to the dentist
Reply:umm well i have an easy solution to that....stop drinking diet sodas
Reply:I had the same problem with Splenda. It made my teeth hurt. There has to be some evidence somewhere.
Reply:diet soda contains loads more chemicals than regualr soda and is therefore twice as bad for your teeth. the pain you feel is the outing of your tooth eroding,.
Reply:You might have a cavity. Or if you had a feeling and if it fell out, it can be pain when any beverage hits it. Go to you're local dentist and ask him to clean them and see if anything is wrong. Good luck.
Reply:probably because you have sensitive teeth and the sodas too cold
Reply:The sugar! my professor told me even though they say its diet free ..theres still sugar in there. regaurdless soda isnt good for you whether its diet or not. your teeth must be sensitive to the sugar!!!
Reply:diet soda has some special thing i guess??

XoXo KaRoLiNa

Can i take Tylenol if my teeth hurt REALLY bad?

So I just started wearing my old retainers again like the dentist said and i know for the first few weeks my teeth are going to hurt like HELL. I was wondering if Tylenol would help ease the pain.. and if it's OKAY to take one everyday for a week or so.

Can i take Tylenol if my teeth hurt REALLY bad?
Tylenol is a great pain reliever, but Ibuprofen, Motrin are much better for dental pain. Ice will also help in between pills. You can take one tylenol %26amp; one ibuprofen together or piggyback them...two tylenol %26amp; two hours later two motrin/ibuprofen. good luck!!! OUCH!!!
Reply:Tylenol, ibuprofen, any kind of pain reliever will help. Cold drinks can help, too. Won't hurt to take it several days. Eating something with it will help guard against the tummy troubles that can be caused by taking ibuprofen.
Reply:Yes, If you have pain take tylenol. It's not only for fever reducing and headache's. Generally, it will work for most physical pain symptoms as well. Take it. But follow the dosage on the back of the bottle =)
Reply:Yes. If you're going to take it around the clock, Tylenol is probably the safest of the OTC painkillers to take. (Safer than aspirin, ibuprofen, naprosin, etc.)
Reply:I'm sure that would be fine, but I've found that Ibuprofen works best for a tooth pain.
Reply:Take two and then, oh hell take 4,


Take anything shy of half the bottle and you'll be fine.

I'm not encouraging you to do so, just take two, but still ITS JUST TYLENOL

I am deeply sorry to anyone who lost someone due to Tylenol overdose who I have offended.
Reply:As long as you don't take more than the maximum amount of tylenol per day you can live it up and take whatever you need whenever you need it.

Yes Tylenol helps with the pain and 1 max strength tablet per day is not much in the Tylenol dose world.
Reply:tylenol is good medicine. it was at one time a prescription i believe. you can take whatever the bottle says if you need it.

i would not take more than it says you can take. too much tylenol can cause liver / kidney probs ?


My expander is making all my teeth hurt?

I have it on the top of my mouth and iv had it for about a month. It seems to be making all my teeth really hurt when ever i eat and also sensitive. Is this normal and if nto what may be causing this?

My expander is making all my teeth hurt?
Pain can be very diverse. It differs from age, gender, and health status.

A certain amount of pressure and a pressing sensation is normal in most cases of expanders. Although it is a case to case basis. I suggest you contact your dentist immediately. Your Orthodontist holds all your diagnostic files and can alone be more effective in diagnosing your condition. The degree of pressure, though, on your oral cavity can be adjusted.

The adjustment of pressure is in the hands of your dentist. The pressure will equal the desired tooth movement per period of time.

You could take a pain reliever, but the wisest thing is too inform your dentist.

Hope this helps.
Reply:it is normal at first, but it shouldnt be hurting now that you've had it a month..i would call the orthodontist and ask. i have one too, and it did hurt at first but after a week or so, it didnt bother me at all.

My top right of my teeth have pain and my legs hurt and bottom of my feet?

my teeth hurt my legs hurt

My top right of my teeth have pain and my legs hurt and bottom of my feet?
Did you put your foot in your mouth recently ?
Reply:You probably have a cracked filling in your back tooth. Have it looked at immediately. You need reflexology to fix the pain in your feet. The location on your foot will be linked to an associated body part. To make the pain go away you may need to work more on that part of the body. A better mattress such as sleep number should fix the knee. Before you get up in the am set your mattress to 100 while you are on it. This will give you the firm support you need to make your knee pain go away. Good luck.

When i dont wear my retainers my teeth hurt?

I got my braces off a few months ago and this week my orthodontist said i can wear my retainers at night. I know this sounds strange but when i dont wear my retainers my teeth start to hurt for no reason! its usually the back teeth in my mouth on the top and bottom. what should i do

When i dont wear my retainers my teeth hurt?
Either continue wearing them or try waiting until night. Your mouth will adjust but remember my children were told they must wear their retainers at night for the rest of their lives or their teeth will shife.
Reply:If you dont wear your retainer you teeth will move back, causing so much pain.

put that retainer in!

take some advil/motrin to
Reply:its probably because youre sooo used to the pressure. Id say just keep dealing with the pain. soon enough it should subside and if you do it for a while it should go away all together. good luckk = ]
Reply:This is normal. If you do not wear your retainers consistently your teeth begin to move, many times the teeth will begin to even move during the day at first even if you wear the retainers ever night. This is b/c the bone is not fully set yet to hold your teeth in this new straightened place. Eventually, after wearing the retainers consistently at night, your teeth will quit moving so quickly and it will be less painful. You might try taking some ibuprofen or aleve before going to bed to help the pain. The problem is the retainers try to move the teeth back into place and causes periodontal ligament inflammation or soreness and pain of your teeth. If you don't consistently wear the retainers, the bone around your teeth will never set completely and you will have lots of trouble with your teeth moving the rest of your life.
Reply:wear your retainer. just cuz he said you didn't have to wear it during the day doesn't mean you can't. if you feel like it helps with it in there then wear it,
Reply:put ur retanier in your teeth are sliding back

Can heart problems cause your teeth to hurt?

When my dad's heart is racing, he says his teeth hurt. He has heart problems, and this really worries me. What is the cause of this? What does it mean?

Can heart problems cause your teeth to hurt?
One symptom of a heart attack is that you can experience jaw pain which i suppose could go up to your teeth. Considering your dad has a history of heart problems, he should probably get it checked out. Best of luck!
Reply:It could be a transfere of pain, in some instances where a person is having heart problems their right shoulder will hurt. But i really am not sure, best if he asks his doctor at his next check-up
Reply:well i know sinus problems can cause your teeth to hurt, but maybe your dad does like i do... when i am in pain i clench my teeth together , most of the time not realizes i am doing it, and then my teeth start to hurt. .. really you need to talk to a doc about this. sorry to hear about his heart problems
Reply:his blood pressure is probably high at the time, which can definitely make your head ache, and if he gets tense and clenches his jaws (probably unconsciously) that would contribute, too...i definitely have heard of people having shooting pains up the side of their neck during a heart attack...hope he checks with the doctor soon...oh, yea, and bad teeth can contribute to heart disease...something about higher chloesterol and placque more easily entering the blood stream, i think
Reply:I dont know about the heart making the teeth hurt but I had some dental work recently and while in the waiting room I read an article that they have linked bad teeth care as being a problem for the heart. All smokers are going to have gingivitis and if you dont have regular dental check ups they say it will effect your heart.
Reply:Angina(chest pain due to cardiac problems) can cause jaw pain.

Make sure your father mentions this symptom to his doctor.

flip flops

I used Crest Whitestrips and now my teeth hurt?

After a few hours of putting the strips on, my teeth started hurting for hours and it didn't stop until I went to bed... They hurt on the 1st and on the 2nd day. Should I still cotinue to use them? Will the pain go away? Tomorrow will be the 3rd day.

I used Crest Whitestrips and now my teeth hurt?
That is actually natural for your teeth to hurt. It should go away after you use the ma couple of times. If the pain continues for a long time, like over a week or 2, I would stop using them.
Reply:That same thing happened to my friend. Don't use them. Call the dentist for an alternative plan.
Reply:STOP using them if they make your teeth hurt!

go to a denist to get your teeth cleaned
Reply:You are developing sensitivity. You must discontinue immediately and use sensydyne toothpaste to relieve the sensitivity.
Reply:Sorry about your teeth hurting...but they are with good reason. The strips contain strong chemicals, namely peroxide and bleach-the very two things we learn in first grade science that dont mix! As well as being toxic, they leach minerals from the coral like structure of the bones holding your teeth in. It is the leaching of these minerals that is causing your pain. I would highly recommend you discontinue use. Your teeth can be whitened effectively by brushing regularly with a paste made from mixing baking soda with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.
Reply:Those things strip the enamel from your teeth and make your teeth very sensitive and susceptible to decay. They really aren't very good for your teeth.

How much do pulling out your wisdom teeth hurt?

Recently my wisdom teeth has been slowly coming out and Im in a few days im going to check up to a dentist. Im just wondering how much does it hurt if they pull it out if its still coming our or if its fully grown? When I go to checkups i cant stand opening my mouth wide for a long time because it really hurts my jaws.

How much do pulling out your wisdom teeth hurt?
i got mine out when i was 16 and i just rested for about a week, and felt fine. i didnt even have to take the pain killers they gave me. the only crappy thing is having a huge puffy face. you really gotta stay in for like a week.
Reply:Even with the novacaine, it still hurts and does it bleed!
Reply:my wisdom teeth have grown in for the most part but they still irritate my gums from time to time. i dont want to bother going to have them removed cause it will probably cost me an arm and leg.
Reply:it dont hurt cos u have injection to numb it. but careful not to bit your lip cos it will probably be numb for a couple of hrs.
Reply:I would rather have my testicles slammed in a door
Reply:When I had mine out I had it done by an orthodontic surgeon, so I was under anesthesia and unconscious - I didn't feel a thing. The recovery period was unpleasant - my mouth was sore and I couldn't eat anything more than milkshakes, ice cream, pudding, etc.
Reply:Oh it is terrible it hurts like hell I swear unless they are really lose
Reply:If it`s done right, you will have little pain.
Reply:I got my bottom wisdom teeth pulled out two years ago and they weren't fully grown in. I had eight shots of novocaine and I barely felt them digging in and grabbing it. Most people prefer to be knocked out, but it was much easier staying awake. Your mouth is so numb you dont feel a thing. I also have a problem with my jaw. Every minute or two, my dentist would let me take a quick break. It was a very smooth and non painful process. I would do it again cuz it was so easy.
Reply:Yikes. I am having all four out on the 27th so I'll let you know! You can have a local or a general anesthetic. The dentist won't do it. Most likely you will be reffered to a specialist surgeon and there will be a wait. From what I understand, the most pain is in the recovery and not the actual extraction itself.
Reply:l am sure your dentist will make sure you are out of pain as much as painkiller injection.

If it still hurts when he is about to extract the tooth...tell him...

l have had four wisdom teeth out...all in the dental chair...two of which were painless and the other two....well thats another story.

l sit back and ponder much pain l had at the time..but all is forgiven now....and hey they only have to come out once!
Reply:A friend who had this done was actually put to sleep whilst the operation to take out his wisdom teeth took place.

I was told by the dentist that I would likely get a local? anasthetic to just numb the wisdom tooth area, and you will feel nothing when they pull it out, until the anasthetic wears off.

im dreading it. But might need to have it done, as the dentist says theres not enough space in my mouth.

My jaws are fine when opened wide, so hopeuflyly dont need to take mine out,.
Reply:it hurts a lot
Reply:It doesn't hurt as much as them coming in.
Reply:Well, I would have to say it's different for everybody. For me it didn't hurt at all. I was walking around the same day as if nothing happened. My brother though was out for a week. It just depends but they're definitely worth getting pulled out. If they don't get pulled out they will mess up the rest of your teeth. So, if your jaws hurt now, it will probably keep hurting but if you get the teeth pulled, you'll maybe hurting for a week. Do it dude.
Reply:when i had mine pulled with a dentist, the dentist injected something as anesthesia, i didn't feel anything by the time he was doing it, but bleeds a little bit.... only after few hours i started feeling it hurt a little but they will give you pain medicine and something to stop the blood........ don't worry about it you will be okay.......... good luck!!!
Reply:Those were the easy ones for me. They just slipped out when i had mine removed. And just to let you know everyone's jaws feel sore at the dentist. Let your dentist know about how you feel about your check-ups.

Take care.
Reply:Not any more than oh,say..having a

fingertip cut off.No big deal!

Just kidding!

Don't remove them unless absolutely

an emergency or if they begin to crowd

the other teeth.
Reply:I just got my top 2 pulled yesterday and when they were pulling them out it didn't hurt at all you just felt a lot of pressure,and i didn't have to keep my mouth open for a long period of time. It is still a bit painful now but it's nothing compared to the pain you will go through if you let them go for a long time.
Reply:I was the worse possible with dental pain, but once the shot was over, I could handle most anything. I have had all 4 pulled but not before they had crushed the teeth in front of them, so had to have those pulled also. (8)

If you find a good dentist, the shot does not have to hurt as much as they use to. I did not have to have them cut out as some do. They came out easy, so the pain after was moderate for some and nearly nothing for others. Except for a dry-socket with one.

Get it over. If they have to go, they have to go.
Reply:Surgery is fast and painless but I had mine pulled because it was cheaper, and I have high pain tolerance and it hurt very bad during pulls, but did not swell or get infected. Pulling will save $300-500, and if you pay 100% of medical bills out of own pocket this is best choice. If I currently had health insurance I would get the surgery.
Reply:i just have 6 teeth pulled out 3 days ago, 4 wisdom teeth (2 impacted under the gum) so they had to cut them out cause they hadn't grown in yet! and this was all three days ago! i felt no pain after or during as i was put to sleep! my advise to you is to go to an oral surgeon and get put to sleep, i swear to you i did not have any pain after only some jaw tenderness when i touched it but no throbbing what so ever! cost is more at an oral surgeon but well worth it.... Trust me if i was is so much pain after having 6 teeth out would i be here answering question or on the floor crying in agony! i didn't even need to take the pain killers they gave me only needed to ice my face! and as you can see from my previous question i was terrified about the whole thing and to my surprise it was so easy and painless!

What do I do? teeth hurt?

What do you do when you can't afford dental work?....and your teeth really hurt. I was told I'll need a root canal by the dentist last time - but then my dental insurance ran out.

What do I do? teeth hurt?
Depending on you age, you can go to your local health department or check your colleges in your area to be volunteer as a patient.

Don't worry about going to a college, because they are taught and watched over by their teacher's whom are certified or a Dr.

The students have to learn somewhere.

Give it a try.
Reply:take some pain reliver than will make the pain go away
Reply:put salt in a glass of water..and gurgle it..

works for me..
Reply:call your local health department sometimes they can help or if u have a free clinic nearby
Reply:you need a friend to help you in the payment or maybe a relative. I wish i could help
Reply:You can go to the hospital dentistry, you need to get there very very early though because you will be waiting a long time, as there are no appointemnts to be made you just line up.... this is true in Australia, im not sure about where else though? But yeah, you need to get it done or it will end up costing you so much more money regardless because the problem will just get worse and worse....
Reply:call around and see if anyone takes payments. I feel for ya...i have the same problem right now, except i need my wisdom teeth out. I hope you can get some help.
Reply:i would apply again for like a cheap insurance also alot of universitys with dental programs will have higher students do assisted work yeah ur a guinea pig but its not bad i had my dentist mess up my whole mouth and my insurance was out so i needed 6 root canals and 2 teeth pulled and i went there.also my frined need a partial and she went to.

its alot cheeper then the dentist

i hope you can find somewhere !

good luck and god bless.

For people like you.
Reply:The health of your teeth and gums play a major role in your over-all health. You may want to work a out a payment plan with your dentist (explian your situation) or ask if he can refer you to a local dental school who might be able to perform a root canal. Best wishes. Hope this helps.
Reply:Go to your nearest disco. Tell the muscle-bound bouncer on the door that while he's been standing there all night, you've been giving his missus one. And he'll knock all your teeth out for nothing!
Reply:go to the dentist and tell them exactly whats wrong!
Reply:Many places will help you establish a payment plan. If you have health insurance many places know that parts of the care can be considered medical and can be billed in part to your medical insurance. Especially if it is an emergency and you need prescriptions. If you need a little relief right away, prepare some hot tea and let it come to sipping strength. Take some cayenne pepper and add a little water to make a paste. Apply to the gums surounding the aching tooth. (If you aren't used to spicey foods try ground ground cloves.) If you use cloves it can be applied directly to the tooth. Then, take a sip of tea and swish and spit. Do Not swallow that part. Then enjoy the rest of the tea. It may take a couple of applications for it but they're both old remedies that have helped me manage cracking a tooth over the holidays until the first working day.
Reply:Contact your local hospital, they should at least have a pain relief clinic.

Is it normal that your teeth hurt on the second day you have braces?

everytime i move my teeth they hurt?

when is it going to get better?

Is it normal that your teeth hurt on the second day you have braces?
Yes, it is normal for your teeth to hurt a little. For the first week, you may feel like you can't any solid foods. Eat soft stuff and don't try to rush it. The pain will ease away. Then you will be pretty much back to normal. They may get sore in certain spots when the teeth are shifting too. When you go for your regular appointments to get your braces tightened, etc. you will probably be sore for a day or two. It's not too bad though once you get used to it and know what to expect.
Reply:it is normal. mine didn't get better until about a week or 2.
Reply:its supposed to hurt all the time!! for a while of course, till u get acustomed
Reply:no **** sherlock!

damn you are dumb
Reply:hang in there! It will get better within two or three days, until then load up on ibuprofin or asprin. Good luck!
Reply:Yes! They'll probably hurt a couple days. It'll get better, though. Then every so often when you get them messed with at the orthodontist your teeth might hurt again for a short period of time. You can take some tylenol or something and that will help.
Reply:It's so normal. The pay off will be huge in the (hopefully) near future. Everyone is different as far as the time thing goes. Ask your dentist if he has any suggestions that can make you more comfortable.
Reply:Yes definitely! Unfortunately it wont feel completely better for about a week. Taking tynol will help or adivl. take it easy for the next couple of days. just chill.
Reply:YES. It should be better in a few daysss :]

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Do crest whitestrips male your teeth hurt?

i was just researching whether or not they actually work. and a lot of the answers on yahoo answers said that they work great but they make your teeth super sensitive. if this is so, does it hurt when you are wearing them or are they sensitive after you are done using them???

Do crest whitestrips male your teeth hurt?
my teeth got a little sensitive while i was doing them but not bad. just like when i drank sumthing cold or whateva. but it didnt hurt at all. and it was totally worth it cuz my teeth look clean and whiter!
Reply:it did a little bit after but it didnt last long
Reply:If you have periodontal disease, you may experience some sensitivity, but you will get over it. They should not make your teeth sensitive. I have very sensitive teeth and can use them.
Reply:Made it painfull to drink cold water for a few hours after use

What to do when your teeth hurt after getting braces tightened?

I'm in alot of pain and i'm trying to get sleep! My stupid braces are making my teeth hurt so much! I tried taking tylenol but that stuff does nothing. I need solutions!!!

What to do when your teeth hurt after getting braces tightened?
Drink a milkshake/smoothie or something cold. It'll help soothe your mouth.

Also, use Baby Orajel on your gums. It's for babies when they go through teething, but it works like a charm with braces (experience). It doesn't taste that bad either.

Try taking Advil or Motrin instead of Tylenol.

good luck! :)
Reply:tylenol should be working, but just drink warm things. and if your hungry soups so it can be easy to chew.
Reply:When I had braces, my orthodontist used to tell me that gargling with warm salt water would help to get rid some of the pain. I can't remember if that worked though....
Reply:We recommend that patients chew (sugarless) gum after an adjustment. It works out the pressure.

Not so sure that you want to do that if you're in bed though. (Although I've heard that peanut butter will take gum out of your hair....)
Reply:When I had braces (eons ago) and they hurt after tightening, I ate something cool or cold--ice cream, jello, even ice chips. It helped the swelling go down and numbed my mouth until the pain medication (Tylenol/ibuprofen) took over. If I wasn't getting any relief from that, I used some Oragel or Numbsit--worked on my baby sisters gums when she was teething, worked like a dream for my mouth with braces. The child/baby formula worked just as well as the regular strength--and didn't taste as bad. If you still don't get any relief, contact your orthodontist as soon as possible or if that can't wait, call your dentist or even your regular doctor--they may have a way to help you out until you can see your orthodontist. Good luck!
Reply:theres not much you can do. the only answer i have is like advil and stuff. the pain should stop in a day or two. if you are in really bad pain then call your dentist.
Reply:take advil and use the wax that they gave you also eat or drink cold thinks and it will feel better

When I eat anything sweet, my teeth hurt really bad.?

I went to the dentist and apparently I don't have any cavities. I try not to eat much stuff with sugar...but even if I eat dried fruit, my teeth hurt really bad. It's like a sharp stabbing pain in the teeth along the sides. Any ideas?

When I eat anything sweet, my teeth hurt really bad.?
You could have sensitive gums. You may be brushing your teeth too hard or incorrectly which could cause the gums to recede. Check to see if the sensitivity is coming from the part of the tooth that is near the gums. If it is, then change the way you are brushing and only use a soft labeled tooth brush.
Reply:sensitive teeth
Reply:I think you should have that checked out by your dentist, it may be a cavity or two. Make sure you keep them clean, and don't eat to many sweets.
Reply:you may have sensitive teeth or gum disease.

Umm..yeah question on why my damn teeth hurt..?

ok, since yesterday, everytime i drink or eat, there are two teeth near the back of my mouth on the left side that hurt when i eat or drink, they feel like there is something freezing cold going through there and the gum, and it hurts, i would like to know what it is, and why it hurts, its starting to anger me..

Umm..yeah question on why my damn teeth hurt..?
You know there could be any number of things wrong and I couldn't begin to diagnose since I'm not privy to look at your teeth and mouth or ask questions. But if you maintain regular check ups and take care of your teeth with brushing and flossing, it's probably nothing serious. You may have just bit down on something hard and "bruised" the teeth or you may have a little hypersensitivity due to a change in your diet, more acidic foods lately, possibly a fracture or loose filling or you grind your teeth, tissue recession from over brushing or even sinuses. Any of these or a few others could be the cause of your problem. What you should do is think about what you could have done that may be the cause the pain and you could come up with the reason. Especially where foods and other items are concerned, more fruits or higher acidic content ingested, change in toothpaste or mouthwash, more stress in your life lately. There are too many things to consider without further information and a visual look at your mouth. I would just hold off over the weekend and consider any possible changes or things your doing different, possible stress or grinding or foods you've had that may have had a hard object that you may have bit down hard on, and then consult with your dentist if things don't improve by Monday. If you’re having some sinus problems you might want to take some Benadryl an antihistamine or what ever you usually take for them. If not sinus problems, you can take about 600-800 mg of Advil or Motrin and see if it offers you any relief for the pain, it‘s what we always prescribe for moderate pain relief. You may find the problem resolves over the weekend and you never know what caused it. It happens quiet often. Wish I could be of more help and good luck with the toothache.
Reply:ye has tiny wee holes in ye teeth,when ye brush use warm not hot but warm water and it no hurt,as fer why that easy teeth rubbing together the back pushing other frwd,so be brave go see dentist
Reply:I found that sometimes if you've clenched your teeth to hard or grind them (while sleeping), it can produce what you are describing, if it doesn't subside in a day or 2. See your dentist, could be an infection staring.
Reply:Could it be wisdom teeth growing?
Reply:Maybe you brushed too hard and exposed near the root of those teeth. That causes over-sensitivity to hot / cold. My dentist yells at me for that. Use a softer brush and don't scrub too hard.
Reply:Your teeth mite have a infection or in the gum . Or your tooth could be black in side . So the best thing is you should just go to your dentist and tell them about it. And the will do a x ray to be on the safe side after all before taking out your tooth . i hope this helps .
Reply:There could be lots of reasons why your teeth are bothering you.....let's try to come up with a diagnosis....

1. Are they upper teeth? If so have you been having any sinus problems latley?? Sinus problems can cause pressure on the roots of your teeth and cause an ache-this could be bothering your gums too.

2. It is possible that you have a cavity...especially if they are sensitive to temperature change.

3. Do you clench/grind your teeth while you sleep or if you are stressed out?? You could have a TMJ problem(you can have a night gaurd made to help with this problem)

4. It's also possible that you have a tooth abcess--but this would probably hurt more than just when you are eating/drinking.

5. You could also have a fractured tooth.

6. It could also be toothbrush abrasion, from brushing too hard, for this you could try a toothpaste that is for sensitive teeth.

**I suggest that you go see a dentist, it could be something that is fixable now, but if you wait too long, it may not be!**

ALSO: in the mean time--if you are in pain take advil-it's the best for dental pain.
Reply:Go see your dentist. Most likely you have a cavity or a loose filling in that tooth. The dentist will be able to fix it for you. I hope you have insurance, otherwise I'm sure the filling will be around $125 or more depending on the dentist.


Why would someone's teeth hurt while working out?

Occasionally when I work out my bottom teeth hurt. What could this mean? Is there any way for this not to happen?

Why would someone's teeth hurt while working out?
You may clench your teeth together, unknowingly, during your workout, especially if you lift weights.

Try wearing a mouthguard (either one purchased at the drug store or get one from your dentist).
Reply:Increased blood flow to the roots of the teeth.

Does it hurt real bad to get all four wisdom teeth cut out?

I am getting my wisdom teeth cut out next week, I have been looking forward to this day cause my teeth hurt real bad and i am getting pretty scared.

Does it hurt real bad to get all four wisdom teeth cut out?
I was one of the lucky ones. I am in very moderate discomfort. I just had all 4 of mine pulled out 2 days ago and I am able to eat anything I want as long as it doesn't require me to open my mouth more than an inch. I only recommend this if you are adept at eating with your front teeth and swallowing off of your tongue cuz if you get anything in your wounds it's gonna hurt quite a bit. I felt nothing during the surgery, but I did wake up early. The good thing about the anesthesia is that when I woke up I did actually feel pain, but I don't REMEMBER the pain. It was actually pretty cool. Personally, no matter how much the surgery will hurt you, I think if they are hurting you right now, you will be happy with whatever pain the surgery will give you. Know why? Cuz when the pain from the procedure is gone, you won't have to worry about the pain from the teeth anymore. Also just a word for the wise, If you are too scared to go through with the surgery, you CAN opt to wait longer until you feel comfortable. Don't let the dentist or oral surgeon push you into something you aren't ready for! Hope this helps! ^,,^
Reply:This is a painful process but the actual operation you wont feel a thing because youll be out. Afterward it sucks, you cant it solid foods for awhile and it just staright up hurts to eat anyhting else. But hey thousands of people go through it every year and they all survive dont flip out youll be fine
Reply:Probably. But at least after they're gone it won't hurt anymore.
Reply:It will stop all the pain you are now getting.You wont feel any pain during the operation but will be sore for the next few days.However this pain will decrease daily and should be the last you experience from these now ex-teeth . Good luck!
Reply:The surgery isn't painful at all, I didn't think the healing process was that bad either...but it does suck not beign able to eat solids and you have to be really careful not to suck on anything.
Reply:It doesn't hurt at all. just tell the surgeon(your using a surgeon right?) you want to be out for the procedure. The pain will come later but you get some real good pain meds just be careful with that.
Reply:I had all 4 of mine out at once, and 2 of mine were impacted. You won't feel a thing during surgery, and for after surgery, the doctor will give you medication. Just make sure you take it. It is meant so that you won't feel uncomfortable. Good luck. You can get through it.
Reply:I had all four wisdom teeth out in one visit. I was lucky enough to be knocked out for the process. I was told the older you are the worse it hurts, I was 28 at the time. I had to have mine out because they were impacted and causing me allot of pain. It seems to me I only had two real bad days after I had it done, but the doc. gave me some real good pain meds. The couple days of pain was worth it to me, I was really tired of my face hurting.
Reply:Any minor operation will result in some discomfort, it depends on your pain threshold! I had 3 of mine taken out and the trauma of it caused alot of swelling which was uncomfortable. Good luck!

Plez help my bottom teeth hurt!!?

ok i dont eat very much sugar, but the bottom of my teeth hurt, im 14 years old!! im scard wat do i do plez, and dont say go to the dentist, i cant because my mom cant afford and no rude comments plez!!

Plez help my bottom teeth hurt!!?
im not sure at all but try a pill that is fast acting if you cant affor that look on google and find some ways to fix it, at home :) i hope you feell better or il be sad :0 smile
Reply:No! Follow my advice. Find a free dental clinic in your community. Pills and drugs will only mask your problems and make them worse! Report It

Reply:Have your mom or school counselor look into FREE dental clinics in your community.

Since you are still a kid your family just may qualify for free or LOW COST dental care for you and your siblings.

There is no reason for you to suffer from dental disease. There is help out there for you.

If you tell us where you live (State) perhaps someone can point you in the right direction.

A good starting place to look would be your county health department.
Reply:try brushing your teeth at least 4 times a day..And don't eat cold food and then one second later hot food. Because that might be one of the reasons... Also u can visit ure local dentist..(if u have one) lol..good luck

hi revi..u thought i didnt knoow where ut not that dumb!!!

plz pik me as best answer!!
Reply:your molers in your bottom row could be comming in or you could have a cavity. but if the pain is really severe then try the nerest free clinic they some times have free dental clinics as well. if not try over the conter oragel too ease the pain and try too take care of your teeth. best of luck
Reply:You could try Sensodine toothpaste, which helps when your teeth are achy.

Also, try Orajel.

For now, rinse with warm salt water.

If this pain continues, you will have to see a dentist. You don't want to lose your teeth.
Reply:Clove oil is the best home remedy for toothaches. Even dentists use it. I found the information at useful
Reply:take IB or tylenol and use peroxide four times a day use it like mouth wash It will kill the grems and also you can use a mixture of hot salt water a few times a day this helps me also. if your gumes have like a pimple on them then get a needle and steralize it have hot salt water or peroxide ready and poke the pimple like thing and then push the fluid out and rinse with the salt water or peroxide. also it helps to wiggle the tooth a little sometimes and ambasol numing gel will help to it like a buck at walmart good luck. you can use peroxide like mouth wash and use it everytime you brush your teeth and soak your tooth brush in it to kill the grems and get a new tooth brush every month all this will help from getting more tooth aches and sould help the one you have now. if it get to bad go to the ER in my state they cant put medical bills on your credit report if you don't pay them but I live in Texas

My retainers for my teeth hurt my gums.?

I haven't wore them for a long time about 2 months and now they really hurt i learned my lesson i will keep wearing them for the whole year but when will the pain go away? If i keep my retainer in my mouth at night will my teeth go bacc to the way they were when i got my braces off? because i think it happened before like before i went to sleep i put my retainer in my mouth and the top one wouldn't go in all the way and i went to sleep with it still in my mouth and when i woke up i could push it all the way in.

My retainers for my teeth hurt my gums.?
I had problems with my retainers. I was told to stop wearing them as often too soon, and my teeth were stronger than them. Sounds like yours is all right though. Just keep it in ever night from now on. If it still hurts, badly, time to go back to the ortho/dentist. They should be doing regular check-ups anyway.
Reply:Your teeth tend to shift after you have had braces. From my experience as a dental assistant, it is recommended that you wear your retainers every night for at least one year. After that, some people choose to continue wearing them every other night or at least on a regular basis.

After about a week of wearing your retainers at night, you should notice the pain subsiding. If you feel that the retainer is rubbing on your gums, take them into your dentist or orthodontist. They should be able to make simple adjustments to make it more comfortable.
Reply:well chances are that since you left them out so long, theyre not going to just move back overnight. you have to wear them at questions asked. just give it time. the pain will go away...but leaving them out is not the answer...your teeth will just go back to how they were and you'll need braces again.

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Can penicillin make my teeth hurt?

i no it sounds stupid but last nyt i took an antibiotic with peniclin in and then my teeth started to hurt. i have the flu so i dnt no wat could cause it

Can penicillin make my teeth hurt?
No antibiotic will make your teeth hurt. Probably the infection you have {your Flu} is really in a sinus or possibly your ear this will often disguise itself as a tooth ache. Finish your antibiotics and if you still have tooth pain check it out with your dentist, but I will bet it will go away when your other symptoms do.
Reply:No. Penicillin will not cause dental pain. It could have been referred pain from your flu.
Reply:call the doctor who prescribed the med and tell him/her of your symptoms. the doctor may change the med.
Reply:Why would you take an antibiotic without a doctors order? This did not cause you painful teeth. Sounds like you might have sinus problems which will cause you teeth to hurt. NEVER take antibiotics without a doctors order to do so.

Do gum infections make your tooth or teeth sensative & hurt a bit?

I had my tooth extracted a few weeks back %26amp; now apparently the one next to it is sensative %26amp; tender, the dentist said its gum infection but do gum infections make teeth hurt?.

Do gum infections make your tooth or teeth sensative %26amp; hurt a bit?
They do, and if it gets really painful you could have an abscess in your gum.

If it doesn't clear up go back to dentist.

Dentists/Dental Hygienists HELP, my teeth hurt?

I am griding my teeth at night and my teeth hurt so bad. I guess they are sensitive. The sensitive paste hasn't been helping that much but I haven't been using it for that long either. What is the best brand of sensitive toothpaste? Is Aquafresh sensitive ok, or is Colgate sensitive the liquid in the bottle better??

Dentists/Dental Hygienists HELP, my teeth hurt?
You need to get a mouth guard to help protect your teeth from the grinding. I have a problem with grinding at night, too (especially when I am stressed) and my dentist suggested getting a mouth guard like the ones football players wear. You dunk it in hot water to make it soft and pliable and then bite into it so it molds to your teeth.
Reply:You should get a night guard and a popular toothpaste that helps relieve sensitivity is sensodyne
Reply:Grinding of ones teeth is actually a persons way of alleviating stress. If you continue, you will have headaches among other complications due to the grinding, not to mention it will wear down your teeth. Get some counseling or find ways to decrease your stress level. Find some therapuetic ways to calm yourself daily. Until you can find out how to do that. Get a mouth guard to at least help. Other options can include using a soft bristle tooth brush . A sensitivity protection toothpaste usually takes several weeks to ease pain. Follow the instructions of your dental professional on the regular use of sensitivity protection toothpaste to keep pain from returning. They do have a flouride rinse that can be recommended by your dentist. Feel free to call your denstist about what kind would be best to try.

Is it normal to have teeth hurt when sugar or hot/cold drinks touches them?

Please tell me its normal! Because all of my teeth hurt whenever i eat something sugary or hot/cold. Particulary after i brush them and use floride and floss etc. does anyone know why? its my front teeth too..which as far as im aware have no cavities in them.

Is it normal to have teeth hurt when sugar or hot/cold drinks touches them?
Not normal. You probably have the beginning of cavities. Get to dentist.
Reply:It is not normal.
Reply:they are sensitive and likely have a small hairline crack that is causing the pain
Reply:you have sensitivity in your teeth probably due to a break down in your enamel. you need to see your dentist and have him suggest a toothpaste to take care of it.most can be bought at any department store.
Reply:I have that too and my dentist said my teeth are just sensitive and to use sysendyne toothpaste to ease that feeling. It helped me.
Reply:definately sounds like sensitive teeth, theres plenty of sensitive teeth toothpastes out there though:D
Reply:it its normal to have sensitive teeth from hot or cold drinks or food. but also over time your enamel starts breaking down, which results in a cavity (maybe from drinking soda or eating a lot of sugary foods) once the enamel wears off then the nerves in your teeth are somewhat open to whatever you drink/eat. go to the dentist and get your teeth checked out. he/she can always place a "cap" on your tooth to replace the enamel.
Reply:No theyre not supposed to hurt but they sure can get sensitive just from a whitening tooth paste. I would make an appointment if they get worse. Sounds like tooth paste or something like that. We bought Listerine's whitening mouth wash and I had to throw it away, my teeth hurt like crazy...never did notice any difference in the color.

You might also want to get a tube of sensodyne toothpaste. Got that for my son after he got whitening strips from the Easter bunny.
Reply:I too had been having this problem for about a year, and at each visit asking the dentist what could be done. They took x-rays and made sure there wasn't a bigger problem, then they said that my bite was off, and had me grind my teeth on a carbon stick. The dentist then grinded down some of my teeth so they matched up better and I had immediate relief (I have TMJ also). I didn't think that would work or was that simple, but now I can eat sweets and chocolate with no sensitivity. Hope this helps!
Reply:my teeth sometimes hurt when I eat/drink something hot or cold. i'm fine when it comes to sugar though. i dont know if its normal, but you're not alone


Why does my two front teeth hurt when I drink cold liquids?

Whenever I drink liquids, my two front teeth hurt, it's been happening for a day now. It feels like when they tighten your braces, it hurts. I have braces btw, so why is this happening?

Why does my two front teeth hurt when I drink cold liquids?
It's more likely that your periodontal ligament is a bit inflamed from the braces and the forces that they are applying to your teeth. Sensitivity formula toothpaste will not help this at all. You just need to let your drinks warm up to the point that they don't bother you or use a straw to get them into your mouth without hitting your front teeth.

If you sprain your ankle or your wrist, you are supposed to put ice on it, but it hurts if you do, doesn't it? This is kind of the same thing that I think is going on with your teeth.

I'm assuming that you have been seen regularly by both your dentist and your orthodontist so we can rule out cavities...
Reply:You probably have sensitive teeth. Use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth (sensodyne, crest for sensitive teeth, etc...). If you don't see a dentist regularly I would first make an appointment to have an exam. He can rule out and diagnose what needs to be done.
Reply:you might have a cavity.. or you have sensitive teeth... see your dentist or dental hygeneist.

I have a retainer....why do my back teeth hurt?

I have a retainer....why do my back teeth hurt?

Here's the deal......I got my braces off a month ago and have been to the dentist one time and all they did was tell me about the cavities I had. But everything else looked fine they told me......what I forgot to ask them about was why when I chew steak or any type of meat, my back teeth, usually on the top, and those only, makes that area feel tender and sore?

Anyone know why? Is this common, or my teeth getting used to the retainer or not having braces? Again, it has been about a month, but I do wear my retainer all the time except for 2 hours a day. Is that my teeth moving, because I just went in for a cleaning last week and they told me my teeth are still where they should be. ..........

I have a retainer....why do my back teeth hurt?
I have braces, but b4 that ihad a retainer. I just want to say that if it duznt get better by like, December i would say somthing to someone. Its more thanlikly just becuase u got ur braces off, and the caps on the back teeth worked well, without them, your teeth need to build back up for protection. Im getting mine off soon, so im excpecting some pain....
Reply:Your teeth just may be senstive. It's not the retainer. Your teeth don't need to get use to the retainer..its made so its fits your teeth and keeps them align. I'd try maybe toothpaste made for senstive teeth.
Reply:Your teeth are just sentsitive
Reply:It could be the pressure on the teeth with cavities.

Do cavities on the front teeth hurt more?

I have small cavities on the back of my front teeth... The dentist says they are small, lower level cavities, more like tiny pits... Does the shot hurt more on the front? I had a fairly large on on the back part of my back teeth... What should I expect here?

Do cavities on the front teeth hurt more?
I've just had a filling today at the front, my dentist apologised as he was about to inject %26amp; explained that 'he knows it's not a nice place to need an injection, %26amp; that he will be as gental as possable.'

It wasn't tooooo bad, I only twitched a couple of times with the pain. The actual drilling %26amp; filling is painless.

And i react badly to the dentists anasthetic, so if i can survive it, anyone can. ;-)

I'd recomend takeing someone with you to the dentist, in case you have a bad reaction to the injection. (i get the shakes so bad that i can bearly walk properly. so have to be dragged out of the dentists.) :-(
Reply:The main thing is not to worry , just get ythem looked after and hopefully you will have no pain.
Reply:The gums at the front of the mouth are more sensitive so injections will feel more painful.

You will feel the injection but a good dentist will numb the area before injecting.

It is not so unpleasant that you should worry.
Reply:From my experience, yes the shot in the front gums hurts more but remember its only a few seconds of pain and then you are numb. Make sure you get this taken care of. You definitely dont want a front tooth rotting away on you.

Why do Wisdom Teeth hurt really bad when being removed?

People say Wisdom Teeth are really painful to remove.

But why? They are the 3rd type of molars aren't they?

So why don't first or second molars hurt being removed?

Why do Wisdom Teeth hurt really bad when being removed?
It's painless having them taken out. It's afterwards.
Reply:because you're a n00b sauce
Reply:because you're ripping bone material out of your mouth, of course it's going to hurt! You're mouth is one of the most sensitive areas you have.

and who the heck gets their other molars removed? I've never heard of that, unless they have an impacted tooth or something... but either way, it's gonna hurt.
Reply:I had all 4 of mine out at one time and one they had to cut one out... I had the IV sedation...took one pill at 8:30 a.m., appointment at 9:30 a.m. I was awake the entire time and I don't remember ANYTHING...I even went to the drug store and filled my pain prescription...nada. I woke up at noon the next day. They were sore, but not bad at all after the stitches were out.
Reply:Wisdom teeth can become deformed or have other problems like decay that can make removing the teeth difficult. Sometimes the roots can be misshapen or fused together, and sometimes they don't fully come out of the gum line. The more problems you have with the teeth, the harder it is to get out and the more painful for you. The more normal the teeth and the fewer problems with them, the easier it is to get them out and less pain for you.
Reply:It hurts to have any permanent tooth removed. You are having, especially with oral surgery, somebody cut open part of you and pull out something that was there. The pain really comes with the novocain shot and when the shot wears off.
Reply:The actual removal process is painless, due to anesthetics, however, wisdom teeth have three roots, and those roots can go deep into the upper jaw bone (near the sinsuses) and the lower jaw. If the tooth becomes impacted, it's already causing pain, and usually has to be surgically removed instead of just 'pulled'. That can complicate things a bit with healing.

However, the younger you have them removed the better the process is and the recovery time is faster. I had my two lower wisdom teeth surgically extracted when I was age 16, and I was fully recovered after a few days. I had my upper right wisdom tooth removed at age 45 and I thought it would never eventually did but it took about three weeks to be totally pain free.

So they are not painful to remove. Afterwards things like ibuprofin and other pain meds will alleviate any discomfort, and it's usually quick.
Reply:Wisdom teeth are molars, the largest teeth that you have. Most of the time, when they are removed, some of them are impacted. That means they have not erupted through the gums yet. That means the dentist has to cut your gum and go in and find them to take them out. Their roots are embedded in your jaw bone. In the process of pulling them out, the dentist is putting a lot of pressure on your jaw, neck, head. I had a general when mine were removed and when I woke up both corners of my mouth were torn from being stretched. The back of my head hurt from being pushed into the chair. I was groggy from the anesthesia and I made the mistake of drinking a glass of milk when I got home which had me vomiting for hours. I think the removal of any tooth is going to hurt. I KNOW the removal of wisdom teeth hurts alot.
Reply:Hi, any residual pain created from an extraction has nothing to do with the tooth itself no matter which one it is, front, back or side...three main issues cause discomfort after an extraction and they are (1) if the tooth was impacted and difficult to remove and having to remove excessive bone structure..(2) the tooth was highly infected and (3) the tooth kept breaking off and the pieces had to be dug out....Like I said, no tooth extraction is immune to causing residual discomfort. Good luck and I wish you well.
Reply:Their not if your under sadation of novacane or an I.V. the root of your wisdom tooth is connected to the bone structure of the jaw. and any attempt to remove it yourself will cause pain...and i know you dont want to do that. go to the dentist, and have him remove it.
Reply:I think it's because of all the nerves tangled up with them. Also sometimes they have to cut the gum open to get them out. Sometimes they are even chisled out. Personally I would insist on being knocked out unless assured the extraction was going to be straightforward (some are).
Reply:I have had my two lower wisdom teeth pulled and I had no problems at all. I had no bruising and hardly any swelling. I took my pain pill for one day only because I wasn't ready to risk not taking them. I now seem to have a replacement wisdom tooth (supernumerary tooth) where one was pulled and hope my luck still holds.

dress shoes

Why do my teeth hurt after falling asleep on long car rides?

I've noticed that almost every time i fall asleep on long car rides my two front and bottom teeth hurt like crazy. Why is that so? If anyone could answer, it'd be greatly appreciated

Why do my teeth hurt after falling asleep on long car rides?
you probably clench them

Please help, my teeth hurt so bad! (BRACES)?

Oh my GOD I cant even bite down they hurt so bad im crying and can barely move my mouth. I got my braces tightened today and i feel like someone is yanking my teeth out of my head! Is there anything I can do to relieve the pain? And is getting braces tightnes always this painful?

Please help, my teeth hurt so bad! (BRACES)?
It's normal for your teeth to be hurting the way they do. People usually take pain differently. You say this is hurting you sooo bad but to someone else it could only bother them a know. So I would suggest taking some motrin or whatever is better for you that you usually take. It's like getting braids in your hair if you've ever had any, and they make it sooo tight that you can barely turn your head and it also feels like someone is ripping every hair out. And it makes you tear up, but again, motrin or other pain relievers help. If the problem persists for more than 3-4 days and still no improvement, see you dentist.
Reply:Tell the orthodontist not to tighten them so much next time. In the meantime - take a mild pain relief and try to relax and not think about it...

Sometimes thinking about it works ppl up more and the pain increases.
Reply:Get some soft foods to eat the day before your appointment. Also, if you take 2 ibuprofen BEFORE you go to the ortho, the pain is lessened considerably.
Reply:You could take aspirin or tylonol or some kind of pain reliever. But when I had braces, getting some soft-serve ice cream always helped me. Just try not to eat to many hard things until your teeth feel better.

Good luck!
Reply:Ive never had them, but just think how nice your teeth will be in the end! everyone will be jelous. I think you will have pain, but maybe call your dentist and explain it to be sure. Just use panadol and sleep will also help, as you wont feel the pain. if it was night when u asked this, pain is always worse at night, hope you feel better soon. :D
Reply:yep! every time you tighten your braces itz gonna wearing braces too,upper and lower, so itz like heeelll everytime i tighten them,, it will be just for a couple of for me, i didn take any pain killer, i just waited,, but you can take a pain killer like Panadol..
Reply:Well, I had braces for about a year and a half I know exactly how you feel! It was soooo painful for me to eat and bite down on to anything. It hurt even when I brushed my teeth. The only thing I did was just not eat anything really solid for a few days. If you do eat solid try your best to use your back teeth or just suck on the food until its soggy. I did that at times. Or take tylonel. It will start to stop hurting in a few days.
Reply:Panadol isn't strong enough or as lasting. Now here is an excuse to try some Procain or Novacain, or opiates. That's what they are made for.
Reply:get an over the counter drug...i would prefer an Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug(pref. mefenamic acid) or an analgesic (pref. ibuprofen) both of these are pain killers, they would ease you up.

-paolo santos r.n., m.d.
Reply:I got braces yesterday and yea i know wut you feel like they hurt soooo bad and take tylonel before you go to the ortho

Why do my teeth hurt when i run?

Just my front teeth and they hurt for liek 15 mins afterwards Warm or cold Outside?

Why do my teeth hurt when i run?
Both answers above may be correct, but you may also be clenching your teeth together or just letting them bump together while you run. I've made athletic mouth guards for some runners who complain of this problem. You might get by with one you can get in a sporting goods store or a drug store, if the bulky size doesn't bother you.
Reply:Thanks. I hope this means I helped you out... Report It

Reply:If you're mouth breathing, your teeth could become more sensitive as you draw air across them and dry them out a little. Dry drinking a little more often during your run to keep your mucous membranes moist and hopefully this will reduce the sensation.

My teeth hurt if I exercise in cold weather because they are sensitive to cold generally.
Reply:it may be because you have a cavity...if you have hot and cold sensitivity you may need a root canal from the sound of it...schedule an appointment with your dentist and they will take an x ray to determine the treatment..if its starts hurting like that all the time try to make an emergency appointment they should fit you in there schedule that day,nobody should have to deal with that pain...feel better:)

Why do my teeth hurt?

my gums are itchy and my teeth hurt like a bruise. why?

Why do my teeth hurt?
it could be that your either not brushing enough or your tooth is decaying. Brush gentle for now and go to the drugstore and find some numbing cream.
Reply:OUCH! is that you in the picture, I'd go to the dentist. they'd know what to do.
Reply:thats normal if youve been sick
Reply:The itchy gum's get me, but.

One day I told my dentist that my teeth hurt and he laughted at me like I was an idiot.

In later years, after much pain, I realized several things.

Fine crack lines in teeth lead right to the gumms and ultimately nerves below the roots of your teeth. The tooth pain, was because of the cracks, which the dentist was too dumb to know.Once i got a cap on the affected teeth, it helped a lot.

Also....sinus allergies very much affect the sensitivity of my teeth. Sinus medicine helps.
Reply:I would need to know more about you, but if you haven't been to the dentist in awhile, you could have decay and/or periodontal disease. You need to go to your dentist. Both of these conditions are infections and with any infection, they can make you sick if left untreated. Your dental team (dentist and hygienist) will be able to do a thorough exam and tell you what you need to do to treat your problems. You may need "scaling and root planing," which is a deeper cleaning than a regular dental cleaning. Your hygienist will get you numb and thoroughly clean your teeth and the root surfaces under your gumline. Once your cleaning is completed (which may take more than one appointment depending on the severity) the dentist will be able to treat any decay in your mouth by filling your cavities or, if needed, performing any root canals.

Good luck.
Reply:well gee i dont know why your teeth and gums are hurting. you have a beautiful smile and your gums look healthy, could br that you have food stuck in your teeth..try !you are a gorgeous fella!
Reply:Is that you in that picture?
Reply:GENGEVITIS!!! i love saying that word.. but seriousyl if your gums are red then that could be it... but seriously you shuld get it check out because my brother had the same problem and he even brushed and flossed everynight! His problem was that he eats a bunch of hard candy like jaw breakers and gob stoppers and he just bites into it and it ended up cracking his teeth from the inside and the itch was because the inside of his gums were infected and his body was healing itself. you can also use that sensitive tooth past that they have to help the pain of the teeth! that works wonders.
Reply:You probably slept on them...

Broken Teeth

Why do my teeth hurt after an alcoholic beverage?

Why do my teeth hurt after an alcoholic beverage?

Why do my teeth hurt after an alcoholic beverage?
You have sensitive teeth and the compounds in the beverage activate the pain receptors. It is has some thing to do with the electrolytes in the brew
Reply:dont know maybe u should drink more
Reply:My brother has the same problem.

He thinks it has something to do with the yeast in the beer?

He doesnt drink anymore because of it.

Why do my teeth hurt so bad?

sometimes my back teeth hurt so much that I cry, it happens a lot when I eat sugary stuff but not all the time. I don't have a cavity because I was just at the dentist. They put some gel stuff on it but didn't help. It may be a exposed nerve, I tend to have receeding gums and some gingivitis. Help anyone?

Why do my teeth hurt so bad?
I used to have similar problems when i was young . It all stopped when i started flossing my teeth EVERY night.This will help your gingivitis and bad breath that comes along with it.
Reply:You might be grinding your teeth at night. Your dentist can confirm. This is worth going back to the dentist to have him or her look. It could be something serious and dental issues are always less painfully resolved if resolved earlier rather than later.
Reply:Hard to say why. I can tell you that a dentist is the only one who can give you an answer.
Reply:So you have gingivitis, so you MUST floss. Hopefully your gums will re-stick themselves to your teeth.

In the meantime, part of the ROOTS of your teeth are being exposed when they're not supposed to be. Don't eat sugary stuff and hope that the whole mouth will heal.
Reply:Stop eating the sugary stuff. Brush after each meal or at least rinse your mouth with water after every meal. If you have an exposed nerve, you need a root canal. Root canal pain is unbelievable. If you have gum problems, the last thing you need is sugary stuff all over your teeth. Unless you want to spend years in pain at the dentist's office, I suggest you start taking care of your teeth starting right now.
Reply:contact your dentist.
Reply:I totally agree with Elizabeth, but may I also add that if in fact you do have an exposed nerve, that you'll need a root canal. I'm surprised they missed an exposed nerve or any severe pain when you went to the dentist last. Get it checked out before it gets painful or more expensive. If you're going to do it anyway, why not forgo the pain endurance and get it out of the way sooner.

Good luck to you. I can feel my back teeth hurting just thinking of yours hurting. There are few pains worse than a toothache because it kind of takes over everything. Until you see a doctor try placing a couple of cloves, one on either side of your back teeth. It's known to calm dental nerves.

Hope you feel better soon.
Reply:About 2 weeks after I had my tonsils taken out it felt like someone beat me with a brick, I thought it was an infection and cavities, but it turned out that i have TMJ,

It didn't hurt all the time. Do you chew a lot of gum?

I was just throwing that out there, ask your dentist about it

Why do my teeth hurt when I breathe in?

Basically title says it all .. it seems to hurt when my blood flows faster. It is sort of a pressure pain. Similar to teeth sensitivity pain (to cold or sweetness.) Could it be something I've eaten, or maybe its some sort of gum problem? They also started bleeding when I brushed.

Why do my teeth hurt when I breathe in?
Sounds like a combination of cavities and gingivitis. I would see a dentist as soon as possible!!
Reply:id have to say go get it checked out at the dentist
Reply:it might a gum virus it aint bad go to your dentis and explain everything...

Why does my teeth hurt when I rinse my mouth with Crest Whitening mouth wash?

I have only been using this product for about 3 days. My teeth hurt all day yesterday. I also have braces though. But I haven't been to the ortho in about a month. So I am thinking it is the crest mouth wash. What do you think?

Why does my teeth hurt when I rinse my mouth with Crest Whitening mouth wash?
Whitening mouthwash can have some pretty aggressive ingredients in it. If you have sensitive teeth you may find it unpleasant. I would switch to a milder mouthwash and a whitening toothpaste that doesn't cause discomfort.
Reply:Could be one of the ingredients irritating your gums!! I would stop using it... Act is much better for your teeth anyhow..
Reply:u might have sensitive teeth, try somethin less potent
Reply:Use ACT

computer security

Why do my teeth hurt when touched by cold temperatures?

This is the first few months i've had this problem, I've also recently gotten a few fillings. Items such as refridgerated drinks, cold faucet water, and icecream make my teeth hurt it is almost unbearable. When drinking cold fluids I have to use a straw or take really really small sips. Is there a way I could fix this?

Why do my teeth hurt when touched by cold temperatures?
It's perfectly normal, you just have teeth that are more sensative. If you eat acidic foods, (lemons, citrus, etc.) you'll notice that gets worse. That's because the citric acid eats away at your tooth enamel, and exposes the more sensative part of your teeth. Try sensodyne toothpaste, and keep seeing your dentist bi-annually. That sensativity CAN mean a cavity if you haven't been to the dentist in a while.
Reply:You have sensitive teeth. I have the same problem. Try sensodyne. It is a tooth paste that strengthens your teeth. Hope this helps!
Reply:you could have sensitive teeth.

in that case you should get some specialized toothpaste.

or, you could still have part of a nerve ending exposed on the outside of your teeth.

hope i helped!
Reply:You could have sensitive teeth or it could have something to do with your new fillings. Do all your teeth hurt or just the teeth with the new fillings? I have a tooth like that right now. My dentist is going to replace the filling for me. I would check with your dentist and see what he recommends.
Reply:Not sure if its just sensitive teeth or not.. but I would say that you need to visit the dentist to get a cleaning when your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold. I do not have "sensitive teeth" like the others are describing but pain caused by ice or cold stuff is a good indication its time to get that cleaning..


Reply:The main two reasons I believe that cause teeth sensitivity are: 1. Using tartar control or whitening toothpastes. 2. Grinding/Clenching teeth. Your fillings could be too high if they are the only ones sensitive. If your fillings were really deep, that can make them sensitive, but shouldn't last very long. I recommend to all my patients if their teeth are sensitive, not to use the new types of toothpastes out today with all the "stuff" included. Just use the original formulas of your favorite brand (paste or gel). Or use the sensitive type toothpastes. If you are a Bruxer you clench or grind your teeth during sleeping, or even during the day. You can have an appliance made for you to wear at night that fits your teeth. They can be expensive, but work better than the ones you buy in the stores. I should add tooth decay also makes teeth sensitive, but not normally just to cold things, this would include sweets, hot temperatures and chewing.
Reply:I have the same problem. there are some toothpastes that help reduce this. but basically it is just sensitivity. I don't think there is any other fix except to get some desensitizing medicine or toothpaste.

hope i helped


Please help, my teeth hurt so bad! (BRACES)?

I just got my teeth tightened and they hurt sooo much! Is there anything I can do or take to make it better? I tried motrin but it is not helping. Please help!

Please help, my teeth hurt so bad! (BRACES)?
lol been thrugh this haaha geting mine of on 12th march wooo. well tbh gna hurt for lyk 3 days wt u have to go is take sum parectamal normaly helps , and wt i normaly do is sleep its normaly not tht bad in the morninng also if there rubing and causing ulsers pt that vaseline plasticy thing they gve you on i know its horible but ull live keep thinking about how gd ur teeth will luk after also it will hurt loads eating hard foods so stik to soups things tht dont require chewing, dont wuuri the pain onli lasts for lyk 3 days at the most after tht cant tell uve got them on :D
Reply:i took neurofen....

its a pain killer......

eat liquidized fooods....its easier...


Reply:well i used aspirin and just kept eating like REALLY soft stuff like puddings so as not to cause MORE pain..........good luck
Reply:ur going to have to tough it out for a few days

and eat lost of yogurt and milkshakes
Reply:I have braces now and i personally think that they are somewhat of a modern day torture device...just suck it up and deal with the pain...i am.
Reply:Hey there,

The worst thing you can do right now is get scared or tense, I'm 13 and were braces, i got the same problem as you. Get a clean tea towel and wrap a hot water bottle in it and place it on your Jaw, whilst doing this take your recommended dose of Nurofen or Paracetamol (calpol if you can't take tablets) and wait 30 minuets.

if the pain hasn't settled then try just going to sleep and you might wake up all better but if it goes on till tomorrow i would ring your dentists Secretary and ask what may help, they are really help full.

I'm sorry i couldn't offer a magic cure :( get well soon



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