Monday, May 17, 2010

My teeth hurt (but it's not a dental problem...)?

I've seen my dentist - she says my teeth and gums are really healthy.

She suggested that it may be nerve pain connected to Type 2 diabetes - relating to my monthly cycle. The blood flow is pulled away from my teeth and redirected to other parts of my body. Is anyone familiar with this at all? Any suggestions to what I could try?

Cloves and Sensodyne toothpaste won't work - as it isn't a tooth problem....

It's a nerve problem, I think.

And short of cutting my head off, I don't know what else to try!

Help please!

My teeth hurt (but it's not a dental problem...)?
Could be a sinus problem.
Reply:have you actually tried cutting your heead off? it might help.
Reply:Try something warm on the nerve such as a warm hot water bottle to sooth it then see a gp.
Reply:try not to eat hard soft foods.if that doesn't help i would consult a doctor.If you need me I'm here.
Reply:As strange as it may seem it could be stress-related. Is there something, besides the tooth pain, that is bothering you? It's strange how worry can manifest itself.
Reply:a few years ago i suffered severe dental pain and was bounced back and forth between the doc and the dentist .it turned out that i was grinding my teeth whilst asleep (because of stress) and had overworked the muscles in the jaw behind my a result i had excruciating pain which felt like i had toothache and abcesses under my teeth because the pain radiates along the is called tempero mandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome.i'm not suggesting that this is what you have but that it could be something other than problems with your teeth.all you can do is pester your doctor like i had to do until i got an for pain relief i used large doses of ibuprofen on prescription and also a hot water bottle on the affected area.good luck and i hope you resolve the problem.
Reply:I know that I was having terrible pain in my teeth and it turned out to be an ongoing would be worth going to see your doc and seeing what they think.

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